(PLACEHOLDER1) How To Add/Remove Announcement Screen Content


-Make a new post (not a page). This can be done by any editor-, admin-, or author-level WP account. An author-level account with permission to make&edit posts to the kiosk screens for general use has been created & login credentials are listed on the WP dashboard so anyone who needs to make a post can get them from anyone with an existing WP account.

-check off the KIOSK & Notification categories in the right menu of the post editor. If you want to REMOVE a post from the slideshow, uncheck the Notification category to remove it from rotation. Please DO NOT uncheck the “KIOSK” category on any post, or fully delete obsolete posts.

-Decide if you’re using a background for your post & if so upload it as the post’s featured image in the post editor right menu. If none is selected, the post content will display over the spinning gears background. Remember that the text on the slide is WHITE & select your featured image accordingly for visibility. The plugin will resize it automatically; to avoid stretching your background image, try for one about twice as wide as tall.

-Write your post. Watch the title length, if it reaches 3 lines, the top of the text will get cut off. The main body of the post can hold about a good few paragraphs, but keep in mind it has to be read in the 10 seconds before slides change. Excess main body text will be cut off at the bottom. Images inserted into posts will display as normal but videos do not. Text may be bolded, italicized, underlined, centered or right-justified (changes font slightly), but not bulleted or quoted. Content types like tables etc provided by shortcodes/other plugins do not show. See the other placeholder posts for examples of posts with/without backgrounds, formatting options that do or do not work, & the max character limits.



-Make a new post as above

-Add an image to the page, using one page per image. The plugin will automatically center it. A one-line caption may be added below if needed, but usually won’t be. The title of the post should be descriptive of the image so it can be found easily later, but will not display in the slideshow.

-check off the KIOSK & Media categories (OR the KIOSK & Media(Classes) categories for things that are supposed to show up on the slideshow for the Classes monitor instead). As with Announcement posts above, uncheck the 2nd category to remove it from the queue, but don’t uncheck the KIOSK category.



-Login to YT using the credentials listed on the WP dashboard when you logged in.

-Upload your video to this account, which exists only to serve the videos for the kiosk content & shouldn’t be used for other purposes.

-Place the video in either the Notifications playlist or the Classes playlist, depending which screen you want the video added to. Remove it from the playlist to take it out of the queue & as with posts please do not delete them. IMPORTANT!!–>Please DO NOT move or replace the first video in either playlist (the church-to-shop-door one), it WILL break the playback.

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